Monday, August 30, 2010

Health effects of cell phone use

Have you felt confused by the conflicting messages coming from various sources, claiming that either a) there are no proven negative effects to health from using cell phones, or b) substantial evidence exists confirming negative effects to health from using cell phones? Who is telling the truth, or is anyone telling the whole truth? Are industry trade associations credible sources of information on this subject, or are government regulators, for that matter?

After meeting Dr. Nekrasov and learning about his research results, I started doing my own digging for credible information on cell phone emissions and health effects, and I found what I believe to be some very trustworthy sources. If you look at my Links on the right you will see them, and you can explore and read them for yourself. If you know of other similar sources, I would be pleased to hear from you about them.

The interview with Dr. George Carlo, on the Common Ground web site, is very revealing about the power that industry groups have in getting their way with government regulatory processes that are supposed to protect the public's health and interests. As usual, the burden falls on you and I to prove we have been harmed, after the fact, rather than on industry to prove their product is harmless (with INDEPENDENT verification!) before it is introduced to the market. The rush to get products to market dominates over the Precautionary Principle of prove no harm, first. And we the public pay the price.

Thanks for visiting the blog.